Monday, November 29, 2010

Just A Brief Introduction...

In October 1909, seven women crammed into a tiny dorm room for the first meeting of what would become Alpha Epsilon Phi.

If you're involved in Greek life, you're used to being bombarded with information about this event or that philanthropy, or you're busy promoting your own. If you're not involved in Greek life, you probably don't care either way. The fact is, regardless of what you've heard, or what other people tell you, not everyone who's in a sorority or a fraternity is a bad person who only cares about you if you wear the same letters as they do (or any letters at all). Sure, there is a bond that to outsiders could seem strange, but they do care about more than just themselves or the date of the next mixer.

Alpha Epsilon Phi (AEPhi) at BU is made up of a group of girls that is hard to identify using just a couple of adjectives. When someone asks about it, it's impossible to pinpoint the girls as all blonde, all brunette, all rich, or all skinny. AEPhi at BU prides itself on not trying to fill a specific "mold" of a girl when it's time to add new sisters to the chapter. Yet as different as every single girl is, they all know each other by name. Every girl can say at least one thing about another girl, even if they aren't best friends. When you're in a school of over 30,000 students, it's nice to know someone will be smiling at you when you walk down Comm Ave. 
When you're a member of AEPhi, you are truly part of a family--a family that accepts you, no matter what.

A little taste of what we do:

Follow AEPhi at BU at
Follow AEPhi nationally at

Peace. Love. AEPhi.

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